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Welcome and Thanks for the support!

Hey there!

Firstly, I want to thank you all so much for signing up and showing your support for Practical Laravel Security! As of right now I've had 256 signups to the mailing list in just 3 days, which is just incredible. 🥰

Security is often sidelined and left in the "if we have time" basket, so its really exciting to see so many people interested in learning more about secuirty and keeping their Laravel apps secure. I can tell you from experience it's easy to overlook and discount secuirty when you use a framework like Laravel, but it's still so important.

What Happens Next?

My plan is to get the details for the course up on the website this week, including the planned course module outline. I will also share all of the details with you directly via this mailing list, so you don't need to remember to check the website.

Alongside the course details and outline, I want to get the pricing locked in soon as well as the release plan, and open up a discounted pre-sale. Building a course like this takes time and getting an indication of the level of interest and some early sales will help me dedicate more time to building the course.

When I have more information, I'll let you know! 🙂

Please let me know what specific topics you're interested in learning about in Practical Laravel Security! There is a good chance I'll already be planning on covering it, but if not I'll add it to the list and aim to get it in there for you.

Can you share the word about Practical Laravel Security?

Twitter is (or was) my main Laravel hangout, but with everything going on over there, I'm looking for new places to hangout and share what I'm working on, so I can better support the Laravel community through my security work.

To help get the word out about Practical Laravel Security, I would love it if you could please share it with your networks!

👉 👈

(Also, you can let you boss know I'll have team discounts with some really cool team-only features, so your whole team can learn more about Laravel security!)

What about Laravel Security in Depth?

Some of you may be wondering what's going to happen with my newsletter, Laravel Security in Depth? Nothing will change. 😁

My focus for Practical Laravel Security is to provide a modularised approach to covering Laravel security topics - teaching you what you need to know in a step-by-step structure. Laravel Security in Depth will continue to bounce around, covering specific topics and diving into recent updates and fixes. I aim to make them compliment each other, rather than compete for your attention.

Ok my friends, I believe that's all I wanted to cover today. Keep an eye out this week for more details. 🙂

You can follow me on Twitter (@valorin) and Mastodon ( if you'd like to keep an eye on what I'm up to and my other security things.

I hope you all have a great week!
